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SoftGripping: The pneumatically powered elastic gripper system

21 Aug    Handling, Robotic System

R&E Engineering is pleased to announce our newest collaboration partner, SoftGripping!!!

As a part of Wegard Material Handling, they specialised in developing and manufacturing of robotic grippers. These pneumatically driven grippers are specifically made of soft and adaptive surfaces that is ideal for robust gripping and safe collaboration with humans. SoftGrippers are designed to be simple and lightweight, suitable for educational or industrial application. With a payload of < 400 g per 4 fingers, these grippers are perfect for food and logistics handling. Thanks to its flexibility, it can carefully handle different sized mushroom without changing its gripping parameters as shown in the video below.

For ordering and more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

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