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Educational Robotic System Showcasing Industry 4.0 Revolution

16 Jun    Handling, Robotic System

Simplifying Robotics and Automation Through Education With the R&E Training Cell

The automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices continues to shape the 21st century. From small processing plants to large factories and warehouse spaces, robotics technology plays a central and growing role in many global economies. Despite the potential of robotics technology, setting up a new manufacturing business or augmenting existing processes with automation can be challenging.

Education in this field requires deep theoretical knowledge supplemented by practical training and professional experience. While a variety of education programs are available at a tertiary and corporate level, hands-on access to robotics technology is limited. In an ongoing effort to simplify robotics and automation through the power of experience, R&E Engineering is excited to present the R&E Training Cell.

What is the R&E Training Cell?

The R&E Training Cell is a unique robotic cell with tremendous educational value. Designed specifically for instructional purposes, this machine closely resembles a variety of industrial workplace settings. The Training Cell is a scaled-down bottling plant with an advanced feature set, including the Nachi MZ07 robotic arm. This training tool is the ideal way to showcase the key robotics features that enable precise automation and control. It employs industrial safety standards while allowing students to expand and modify machine functionality.

The R&E Training Cell is a truly unique training solution that is not available off the shelf. While this technology is based on a proven functional core, it can be customised based on the demands of each project. We work directly with clients to adapt components based on educational requirements and operational budget constraints.

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Rendered CAD Model of R&E Training Cell

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Rendered CAD Model of R&E Training Cell

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Industry 4.0 revolution is all about automation and control. Smart technology enables machine-to-machine communication (M2M), device miniaturisation supports the internet of things (IoT), and improved monitoring and feedback procedures enhance diagnosis and cybernetic control. The first industrial revolution was defined by the birth of machines, the second by the proliferation of physical networks, and the third by the advent of digital technology.

Industry 4.0 is both the culmination and jump-off point of everything that has gone before. There are four design principles associated with the fourth industrial revolution: interconnection, information transparency, technical assistance, and decentralised decision making.

R&E Training Cell Features

The R&E Training Cell is the perfect way to explore the features of Industry 4.0 in a compact and highly functional package. The human workforce will be increasingly affected by the onset and growth of automation, with education and technological control the key to market relevance and professional value.

R&E Training Cell educational project features:

  • Central control system for all components
  • System control and monitoring via an inbuilt human machine interface (HMI) and web-based browser
  • Integration of multiple diverse industrial technologies
  • Operational health and safety components
  • R&E installation and servicing

R&E Training Cell industrial functionality:

  • Pneumatics
  • Conveying technologies
  • Linear motion technologies
  • Control technologies via PLC, VSD, servo drivers, and HMI
  • Quality control/check via industrial camera
  • Identification and data monitoring via barcode and QR code
  • Sensor technologies – photoelectric, fibre-optic, ultrasonic, magnetic, and mass sensor

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Top View of R&E Training Cell

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Top View of R&E Training Cell

R&E Engineering – Simplifying Robotics and Automation

At R&E Engineering, we design, manufacture, and supply advanced technology solutions for ultimate automation and control. As specialists in the robotics industry, we create solutions to support operational efficiency and productivity in a range of industrial settings. We supply specialised robotics equipment to augment existing operations and offer fully customised automated solutions to streamline new and existing workflows.

The R&E Training Cell is the perfect way to showcase and master the key technologies that define Industry 4.0. Designed for educational purposes, this robotic cell is built from the ground up to closely represent industrial workplace settings. It employs industrial safety standards, enables expansion and modification, and highlights the power of automation and control in the modern workplace.

For ordering and more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

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