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Category: Welding

Jun 30

Rise of Cobots

A fascinating new breed of bots is on the rise. It all began when engineers decided to make traditional industrial bots more people-friendly. Once they’d done this, the new breed of bots was uncaged and allowed to collaborate with human workers. The new bots needed a new name to reflect their improved social skills, and […]
May 16

Double Gantry Robotic Welding System

  R&E Engineering had started the 2019 with a series of achievements for the company! One of which is a great success in the supply and installation of a large robotic welding system for Austin Engineering back in February 2019, which features two welding robots, gantry robot positioner and state-of-the-art laser sensors. The system is […]
Dec 21

Stronger. Faster. Better Robotic Controller.

  The new QIROX QC2 Controller, is an optimum “man-machine” interface. The new control cabinet generation QIROX Controller QC2 is particularly designed to meet the requirements of welding technology and to improve user-friendliness of the interface. An all new servo technology ensures dynamic movement and high path accuracy of the robot during welding. The processes […]