Category: Robotic System

Rise of Cobots

A fascinating new breed of bots is on the rise. It all began when engineers decided to make traditional industrial bots more people-friendly. Once they’d done this, the new breed of bots was uncaged and allowed to collaborate with human workers. The new bots needed a new name to reflect their improved social skills, and thus they became known as collaborative robots – or cobots, for short.

Robots vs Cobots

Traditional industrial robots still serve a very useful purpose, and they’re confined to fenced-in areas for good reasons. They often work at top speed and can easily injure any human who ventures near.

In contrast, cobots are specifically designed to work alongside humans. They operate at a less frenzied pace than their caged cousins and stop instantly when a human makes contact with them.

As well as being people-friendly, cobots excel at the duller, dirtier and more dangerous tasks. They contribute strength, endurance and precision to workplaces, leaving employees to focus on activities involving problem-solving or creative skills. Their role is to augment the quality of human work.

Advantages of Cobots

Cobots offer many advantages. Let’s look at the main ones.

  1. No Safety Cell Required
  2. Cobots are specifically designed to work side by side with people. As such, they have a variety of safety features already built in, eliminating the need for a safety cell. The Cobot Welding System from CLOOS, for example, has integrated safety components, including a finger-forced stop that enables a precise power cut-off when touching the machine. Since cobots don’t need a safety cell, they’re ultimately easier and more flexible to work with.

    CLOOS. Cobots. Welding Robot. Welding Cobot. AutomationCLOOS. Cobots. Welding Robot. Welding Cobot. Automation

    CLOOS Cobot Welding System

    CLOOS. Cobots. Welding Robot. Welding Cobot. AutomationCLOOS. Cobots. Welding Robot. Welding Cobot. Automation

    CLOOS Cobot Welding System

    See the CLOOS Cobot in action here!

  3. Quick & Easy Setup
  4. For the most part, cobots are compact, lightweight and easy to operate. You can set them up with little to no programming knowledge. As a result, training your staff to use and program cobots is a straightforward process. For example, Nachi’s slim arm collaborative robot, the CZ10, features intuitive teaching. You simply move the robot arm with your hand to teach the bot different operating positions.

    Realistically, you can deploy fully functional cobots in a matter of weeks, rather than months, which is often the case with traditional industrial robots.

    Nachi. CZ10. Handling Cobot. Automation. Cobots.Nachi. CZ10. Handling Cobot. Automation. Cobots.

    Nachi CZ10 Handling Cobot

    Nachi. CZ10. Handling Cobot. Automation. Cobots.Nachi. CZ10. Handling Cobot. Automation. Cobots.

    Nachi CZ10 Handling Cobot

    See the Nachi CZ10 in action here!

  5. Versatile Operators
  6. Another advantage of cobots is that they can perform a variety of tasks. With packing cobots, for instance, you can program them to carry out inspecting or labelling jobs.

    What’s more, since these bots are lightweight, they can be mounted on a movable frame. This mobility means they can be easily relocated to lend a hand at other stations.

  7. Precise & Consistent
  8. Whereas humans sometimes make mistakes, cobots are highly accurate. The Cobot Welding System from CLOOS, for example, delivers superior welding results that can be reproduced time and time again.

  9. Ideal for Small Batches
  10. Since cobots are easy to set up and can easily be repurposed, they’re a cost-effective solution for automating small production batches with consistently high quality.

  11. Team Players
  12. Cobots are a good way to introduce robots to your workforce. They are designed to cooperate with employees and share their workspaces, not dominate them. Some of them look great too, giving off a safe and friendly vibe, thanks to the attention paid to industrial design. This is important because it helps employees feel safe around the bots.

  13. Bridging the Skills Gap
  14. With the ongoing shortage of skilled manufacturing workers in the labour market, cobots are well poised to bridge the skills gap.

Get in Touch

At R&E Engineering, we specialise in robotics and automation. We are excited to be involved first-hand in the rise of cobots, and we have no doubt that they have a very bright future.

To learn more about cobots, or robotics in general, please do not hesitate to contact us! The latest innovations in automation are totally transforming businesses of all types – yours could soon be one of them!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

Educational Robotic System Showcasing Industry 4.0 Revolution

Simplifying Robotics and Automation Through Education With the R&E Training Cell

The automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices continues to shape the 21st century. From small processing plants to large factories and warehouse spaces, robotics technology plays a central and growing role in many global economies. Despite the potential of robotics technology, setting up a new manufacturing business or augmenting existing processes with automation can be challenging.

Education in this field requires deep theoretical knowledge supplemented by practical training and professional experience. While a variety of education programs are available at a tertiary and corporate level, hands-on access to robotics technology is limited. In an ongoing effort to simplify robotics and automation through the power of experience, R&E Engineering is excited to present the R&E Training Cell.

What is the R&E Training Cell?

The R&E Training Cell is a unique robotic cell with tremendous educational value. Designed specifically for instructional purposes, this machine closely resembles a variety of industrial workplace settings. The Training Cell is a scaled-down bottling plant with an advanced feature set, including the Nachi MZ07 robotic arm. This training tool is the ideal way to showcase the key robotics features that enable precise automation and control. It employs industrial safety standards while allowing students to expand and modify machine functionality.

The R&E Training Cell is a truly unique training solution that is not available off the shelf. While this technology is based on a proven functional core, it can be customised based on the demands of each project. We work directly with clients to adapt components based on educational requirements and operational budget constraints.

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Rendered CAD Model of R&E Training Cell

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Rendered CAD Model of R&E Training Cell

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Industry 4.0 revolution is all about automation and control. Smart technology enables machine-to-machine communication (M2M), device miniaturisation supports the internet of things (IoT), and improved monitoring and feedback procedures enhance diagnosis and cybernetic control. The first industrial revolution was defined by the birth of machines, the second by the proliferation of physical networks, and the third by the advent of digital technology.

Industry 4.0 is both the culmination and jump-off point of everything that has gone before. There are four design principles associated with the fourth industrial revolution: interconnection, information transparency, technical assistance, and decentralised decision making.

R&E Training Cell Features

The R&E Training Cell is the perfect way to explore the features of Industry 4.0 in a compact and highly functional package. The human workforce will be increasingly affected by the onset and growth of automation, with education and technological control the key to market relevance and professional value.

R&E Training Cell educational project features:

  • Central control system for all components
  • System control and monitoring via an inbuilt human machine interface (HMI) and web-based browser
  • Integration of multiple diverse industrial technologies
  • Operational health and safety components
  • R&E installation and servicing

R&E Training Cell industrial functionality:

  • Pneumatics
  • Conveying technologies
  • Linear motion technologies
  • Control technologies via PLC, VSD, servo drivers, and HMI
  • Quality control/check via industrial camera
  • Identification and data monitoring via barcode and QR code
  • Sensor technologies – photoelectric, fibre-optic, ultrasonic, magnetic, and mass sensor

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Top View of R&E Training Cell

Nachi. MZ07. Automation. Handling. Robot. Bottle. Gripper. Industry 4.

Top View of R&E Training Cell

R&E Engineering – Simplifying Robotics and Automation

At R&E Engineering, we design, manufacture, and supply advanced technology solutions for ultimate automation and control. As specialists in the robotics industry, we create solutions to support operational efficiency and productivity in a range of industrial settings. We supply specialised robotics equipment to augment existing operations and offer fully customised automated solutions to streamline new and existing workflows.

The R&E Training Cell is the perfect way to showcase and master the key technologies that define Industry 4.0. Designed for educational purposes, this robotic cell is built from the ground up to closely represent industrial workplace settings. It employs industrial safety standards, enables expansion and modification, and highlights the power of automation and control in the modern workplace.

For ordering and more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

Robotic Skid Nailing System

R&E Engineering was awarded an interesting project towards the end of 2019. We were asked to provide an automated system for a local pallet/skid manufacturing company in Western Australia, 1/2 Price Pallets. The main purpose of the system was to improve on their manufacturing process, both in safety and product throughput.

Despite the recent COVID-19 breakout, just over six months later, this system was successfully installed and commissioned in the middle of 2020. The robotic and automated system comprised of:

  1. An intelligent Nachi SRA210 handling robot equipped with a dual-purpose custom-made gripper for automated nailing and pick-and-place/stacking process,
  2. A turntable mounted with two template jigs, allowing one assembled skid to be nailed on one side whilst an operator can safely load and assemble the timber bearers on the other side,
  3. Complete safety system consisting of safety fences, light curtain, floor scanner and a safely isolated start/stop station for the operator.

Nachi. SRA210. Automation. Handling. Robot. Pallets. Skids. Nailing.

Robotic Skid Nailing System Layout

Nachi. SRA210. Automation. Handling. Robot. Pallets. Skids. Nailing.

Robotic Skid Nailing System Layout


The Nachi SRA210 was chosen as the robot satisfying both high payload (up to 210 kg) and long reach (up to 3192 mm). Weighing in just over 1 tonne, this robot has an excellent positional accuracy of ±0.15 mm. This gives the high quality and consistency of the end-product the client is looking for. In order to nail and handle large and heavy skids, along with a high repeatability accuracy, this robot suits perfectly for this application.

The robotic gripper/end-effector was purposely designed and made to have two nail guns mounted on it for two simultaneous nailing onto the intersecting timber bearers. In addition, a gripping mechanism to allow the lifting and stacking after the nailing process is done was also implemented in the same gripper.

Nachi. SRA210. Automation. Handling. Robot. Pallets. Skids. Gripper. Nailing

Dual-purpose, custom-built Robotic Gripper

Nachi. SRA210. Automation. Handling. Robot. Pallets. Skids. Gripper. Nailing

Dual-purpose, custom-built Robotic Gripper

The template jigs were designed to be easily adaptable, featuring flexibility to accommodate a range of different skid configurations and timber bearer’s sizes. Having two template jigs mounted on the turntable greatly improves the productivity and throughput of the manufacturing process.

Overall, the client was extremely impressed at the outcome of this project. The automated system has achieved the expected performance and was completed on schedule, despite the global pandemic we are currently in.

For ordering and more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

Robotic Handling & Pallet Chain Conveying Systems


R&E Engineering successfully designed, supplied and installed 90 metres of pallet chain conveyors along with a robotic handling system for a client in Western Australia. However, the real benefits of the system do not just lie in its size, but also in its numerous advantages and capabilities that will be specified below.

Pallet Conveyor. Conveyor. Automation. Robot.


The ultimate purpose of the system is to allow the operator to load empty palletised boxes onto the infeed conveying system and unload fully loaded, sealed & secured palletised boxes from the outfeed conveying system.


The procedures in operating the pallet chain conveying system involves the operator/forklift driver to load empty palletised boxes one by one onto the infeed conveyor from a loading point, which will travel up to the end of the infeed conveyor line and stops just before entering the client’s existing system. The empty boxes will accumulate backwards from the end of the infeed conveying system as the forklift driver loads more onto the infeed conveyor line. Then, when requested by the existing system, the infeed conveyor transfers one empty palletised box at a time while indexing the rest of the accumulation forward to fill in the empty space.

In the existing system, these boxes are filled with products, which will then be transferred onto the outfeed conveying system one by one. The operator can load empty palletised boxes at any given time onto the infeed conveyor providing there is space for accumulation.

Upon receiving a fully loaded palletised box, the first outfeed conveyor then be transfers it into the robot cell and stops for the robot to scan the position and orientation of the box, pick up a lid for it and puts it on accurately. Then from the robot cell, the fully loaded palletised box travels onto the next outfeed conveyor, where it will be double strapped by an automatic strapper. It then resumes its travel up to the forklift pick up point and accumulate backwards. At any moment, the forklift can unload the full box one by one, provided that there is a full box ready for unload. When one full box is removed from the system, the whole line of accumulated boxes indexes by one to fill in the empty space. Then the process just repeats.


R&E Engineering only provides cost-effective robotic and engineering solutions that will result in significant improvements to the existing production system. The system has numerous benefits as follows;

  1. Increased Production Output: Since the installation of our systems, our client has reported an increased output of more than 30 tonnes per day.
  2. Effortless Operation: As the system provides accumulation capability in both loading and unloading, a single operator can run the entire system with no trouble and without rushing from point to point. To the operator, this means improved productivity while reducing their stress.
  3. Operational Safety & Security: The system is enclosed within the perimeter of our safety fences (to the Australian & our client’s safety standards) with keyed gate access to prevent unauthorised access. The operator will always be out of harm’s way when operating the system. We have also installed ten safety Emergency Stops at convenient locations to ensure that an E-Stop is always within reasonable reach of the operator.
  4. Improved Workers’ Health & Safety: Our client previously had workers to manually put on the box lid. The problem is that the product is highly toxic. Even though the workers wore a full protection suit, the risk is still there. The robot handling system replaces the manual box lid placing and therefore eliminates the risk altogether.
  5. Informative Human-to-Machine Interface: The operator can easily identify if there is an error occurring within the system at any point in time and location just by a quick glance into the control panel screen. Indicators and error messages will appear on the screen to signify where on the system an attention is required.
  6. Operation Flexibility: During any point in time when the system needs to be stopped, the operator can do so very quickly with a single push of a button. The infeed and outfeed system work independently to each other and therefore can be run on their own. When the system is restarted, it will be able to resume its operation prior to being stopped. Or if there is any change within the system while it’s stopped, the system will be able to recognise the changes and adjust itself to resume operation from its current situation when restarted.
  7. Full System Integration: Our client can still use their existing system as they are integrated into the new system. For example, the strapper is controllable from our HMI control panel. We have also added an automatic indexed double strapping feature to better secure the fully loaded pallets on our outfeed conveyor. This is done by setting up communication between our control system to the client’s existing equipment to enable complex coordinated movements.
  8. Precise Robotic Handling: The robotic system can reproduce the exact same quality results every single time due to precise programmed positioning. This means that the sealed product will always come out of the robot cell in the same manner, provided that there is no irregularity prior to coming into the cell. Though, irregularities to a certain extent, is acceptable due to the sensor on the robotic gripper which automatically calculates required positioning adjustments for the robot and executes it.
  9. Low Maintenance Requirements: The system maintenance can be done once every three months and are mainly lubrication, which has very minimal requirements in terms of time, labour and operation interruption.

For more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

SoftGripping: The pneumatically powered elastic gripper system

R&E Engineering is pleased to announce our newest collaboration partner, SoftGripping!!!

As a part of Wegard Material Handling, they specialised in developing and manufacturing of robotic grippers. These pneumatically driven grippers are specifically made of soft and adaptive surfaces that is ideal for robust gripping and safe collaboration with humans. SoftGrippers are designed to be simple and lightweight, suitable for educational or industrial application. With a payload of < 400 g per 4 fingers, these grippers are perfect for food and logistics handling. Thanks to its flexibility, it can carefully handle different sized mushroom without changing its gripping parameters as shown in the video below.

For ordering and more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

Reisopack: Automatic Strapping Machines


R&E Engineering is proud to be the authorised distributor for Reisopack.

Reisopack is a Spanish company that specialises in automatic strapping machines with more than 4,000 machines operating in countries around the world. Being one of the European leaders in packaging machinery, Reisopack offers a highly reliable pallet strapping machine that guarantees a 25-years-of-dailyuse lifetime. Whilst most are used in the farming and food production facilities, these strappers can also be utilised in countless other sectors. These include but not limited to logistics, building, beverages, wood and chemical industries.

Horizontal and vertical strappers are available depending on your strapping requirements. There are options of fixed or mobile-based horizontal strappers to integrate with an existing production line or to operate independently.

Each machine is also equipped with a user-friendly and easy-to-program touch-screen display panel to control/match a desired production rate.

Both the horizontal and vertical variant comes with a pressing mechanism to ensure compact and secure packaging for transport. End-product will appear pleasing, neat and professional.

Videos of these strapping machines are available in our product page here.

Reisopack. 2200. Automatic Strapper. Vertical. Fixed.

Model 2200: Fixed-vertical Strapper

Reisopack. 2905. Automatic Strapper. Horizontal. Fixed.

Model 2905: Fixed-horizontal Strapper

Reisopack. 2915. Automatic Strapper. Horizontal. Mobile.

Model 2915: Mobile-horizontal Strapper

Model 2200 2905 2915
Voltage 220 V/280 V – 50/60 Hz (Three-phase)
Electrical Consumption 1 kW 2 kW
Approximate Production 60 pallets/hour
Compressed Air Pressure 6 atm
Machine Dimensions
(W x L x H)
4000 x 1200 x 3600 mm 1850 x 2915 x 3527 mm 2902 x 4180 x 4550 mm
Strap Width 8, 12, 15.5 mm (Factory Set)
Strap Thickness 0.5 – 1 mm
Welding By electrical resistance. Adjustable welding temperature & cooling time
Strap Type Polyester/Polypropylene
Tension Range 1 – 150 kg
Minimal Strapping Height 140 mm 130 mm
Maximum Strapping Height 3000 mm 2560 mm
Reisopack recommends its own high-quality consumable, Polyester (PET) Strap, to be used in their machines. However, all machines can also be programmed to use your own strapping consumable.

Reisopack. PET Strap. Consumable

PET Strap


  • Developed for high speed strapping machines.
  • Cheaper price per meter and more meters per coil for cost effectiveness.
  • 100% recyclable. Good for the environment.
  • Quick mounting system for time efficiency.
  • 60% more retention force than the polypropylene strap with an average resistance of 154 kg and elongation of 15% nominal
  • Stability against UV rays and greater thermal resistance.
  • Minor tolerances in width. Less arc and curvature.
  • High feed rigidity even at high temperature
  • More stable surface. Less abrasion.

Reisopack. PET Strap. Consumable

PET Strap

For ordering and more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

CLOOS Robotic Welding System for Mobile Crane


In 2018, R&E Engineering was awarded a project for the supply and installation of a robotic welding system by DRA Engineering, a very prominent manufacturer in the heavy industry, particularly mobile crane and tanks. The system was purposed for the welding of mobile crane components such as the chassis and booms. The clients saw that we have an edge in terms of capabilities, space requirements and value. Every part of the robotic welding system is a standard off-the-shelf component that are made to be modular. Combined, they become a system that is tailored to the client’s requirements in terms of space available and the products to be manufactured.

There are many features in the system that are worth mentioning. The system is more on the uncommon side of robotic welding system, especially in Australia. This is because of the versatility of its welding capability. Generally, automated systems are limited in the way they work with the workpiece, particularly in terms of product variety such as dimension and shape. But this robotic welding system is designed to work with completely different shape of workpieces at varying lengths, for example, the shape of the chassis compared to the boom and the varying length and dimension of the booms for the crane.

Firstly, the system is equipped with the most advanced laser technology to enhance welding precision whilst reducing pre-weld system calibration time. The laser measures and determines the geometry of the workpiece before welding. This process takes a few seconds depending on the complexity of the workpiece geometry compared to the traditional robot sensors which takes minutes.

Secondly, the system is also equipped with tandem weld technology with automated torch changing capability. The robot operator can command/program the robot to change the torch used (single wire or tandem) as required. The tandem torch can deposit metals at a rate of 26 kilograms per hour compared to traditional weld with a rate of less than 10 kilograms per hour. Now that’s a lot of metal!

Lastly, the robot and workpiece positioners allow the robot to have high versatility in welding varying workpieces. The workpiece can be small, big, short or long, it would pose no problem for the system. The robot is mounted on an overhead positioner that enables the entire welding robot to move in x, y and z direction, giving it access to workpiece at various angles. Combined with a multi-axis workpiece positioner rated at 5 tonnes, the workpiece can be mounted and positioned vertically or horizontally (with a tailstock at the other end). This feature enables longer or shorter workpiece to be welded.

The installation of the whole system was carried out swiftly and smoothly by our team of experts. The system was up and running in just less than two weeks from its arrival. We would like to thank DRA Engineering for trusting R&E Engineering and for the opportunity to support a local Australian company.

CLOOS, Robotic, Welding, System, Heavy, Crane, Mobile
R&E Engineering technician finishing up the installation and commissioning with laser sensor calibration.

For more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

Double Gantry Robotic Welding System


R&E Engineering had started the 2019 with a series of achievements for the company! One of which is a great success in the supply and installation of a large robotic welding system for Austin Engineering back in February 2019, which features two welding robots, gantry robot positioner and state-of-the-art laser sensors.

The system is a double-gantry robotic welding system which has two robots mounted overhead on opposite sides of the gantry. This enables both robot working on the same job simultaneously to finish the job quicker. Double the robot equals double the speed!

Online laser sensors equipped on both robots, to further improve productivity during welding. The sensors enable the robots to correct the slightest positional and geometrical movement to a set tolerance in an instant. The laser sensor also calculates the most optimal parameters for the required metal deposition in the seam and apply them on the go.

A 20x10m gantry robot positioner with x, y, z translation to enable the robot to access every nook and cranny of the workpiece at the most optimal angle. The gantry area covers two workstations with fully equipped safety such as a start stop station and safety light barriers to prevent accidents from unauthorised access during welding.

Accompanied by an offline robot programming software, the system offers even more flexibility. The robot program can be developed simultaneously while the robot is welding, reducing idle and downtime of the system. The software also allows for an automatic calculation to enable the most optimum welding position/angle, reducing the workload on robot programming.

Overall, the system adheres to Australian safety standards, keeping workers safe at all times whilst improving output and quality.

We would like to thank Austin Engineering for choosing and trusting us in supplying, installing and commissioning the robotic welding system. We look forward to support Austin Engineering further!

Welding, Robot, CLOOS, Double, Gantry
Double Gantry System with two welding robots on opposite sides of the gantry.

For more information on robotic and automated systems, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are passionate in helping your business grow and realise its true potential!

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding our robotic systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

NEW CLOOS Robotic Welding Systems Coming Soon!!


R&E Engineering is a proud representative of CLOOS Robotic Welding System. CLOOS is a German company specialising in the welding industry. The company was established in the 1919 and has been developing robotic welding technology since 1978. CLOOS is undoubtedly a globally leading company in the industry.

Western Australia is fairly new in the robotic and automation industry in general. However, over the course of more than 15 years in the business, R&E Engineering witnessed an uptrend in the robotic welding industry especially in 2018. Fabrication companies in WA have noticed the need for robotic welding systems. This is to keep up with increasing market demand and competition while reducing labour costs.

This year, we were awarded projects to supply and install two of the largest robotic welding systems in Western Australia to date. One of the systems feature a 20 x 10 meters double-gantry system. The other, features a 5-tonne multi-axis workpiece positioner which can be converted into a horizontal positioner with moveable tailstock and tandem torch, which has a deposition rate up to 26 kg/hour. The system comes with an automatic torch changer to switch between single-wire and tandem torch quickly.

Additionally, both systems are equipped with offline programming software and laser sensors. Which is used to improve efficiency in programming the robot. The offline software enables the operator to program while the robot is welding and the laser sensors enable quick part detection, continuous monitoring of the weld seam, and required volume of wire resulting in quicker and more precise welds.

These two large systems are set to arrive in Western Australia in January. Before the final shipment, R&E Engineering carried out a pre-acceptance of the systems. We also carried out an inspection of the systems along with the clients. The inspection was done in November and went very smoothly. The clients were very happy with the quality of the build, weld and the system as a whole. They are very excited for the installation (as we are!) when it arrives in WA this coming January.

Here are some sneak peeks of the systems taken during the inspection!

First CLOOS System

CLOOS, System, Gantry, Double, Robot, Welding

CLOOS, System, Gantry, Double, Robot, Welding

CLOOS, System, Gantry, Double, Robot, Welding

CLOOS, System, Gantry, Double, Robot, Welding

Second CLOOS System

CLOOS, System, L, multiaxis, Positioner, Robot, Welding

CLOOS, System, L, multiaxis, Positioner, Robot, Welding

CLOOS, System, L, multiaxis, Positioner, Robot, Welding

Stay tuned for more news and information regarding these systems!
Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

If you have any enquiry regarding our systems or have any question about automation, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts will be very happy to help you!

Retrofit of Bag Flattener Conveyor for a Robotic Palletising System


R&E Engineering retrofitted and commissioned an inclined paper bag flattener and a 90° turn conveying systems into an existing production line for a robotic palletising system for an existing client in the agriculture and food industry.

Because the products are bagged and not uniform, the client has trouble of stacking them on the pallet due to uneven weight distribution. Therefore, the need for the bag flattener arose. The bag flattener quickly and smoothly presses the bags into a uniform shape, which helps them stack during palletising in a tighter and more stable manner.

bag flattener, conveyor, system, conveying, robot, automatic, palletising, system

The bag flattener consists of two belt conveyors. One at the bottom and one at the top. The product comes in the infeed side and gets flattened as it travels along in between the two belts. Both top and bottom conveyors are driven by motors to provide a smooth flattening and movement process of the products.

The bag flattener can also accommodate different size bags as it automatically adjusts the height of the top conveyor if the product is too big. The product will simply pushes the top conveyor higher and because the top conveyor is driven as well, the product will not be damaged as it will just smoothly move along the conveyors due to the two motor driven pressing conveyors.

The palletising robot picks up from two stations which is located next to each other. This is the reason the 90° turn conveyor was needed, to bring the bagged products into the designated pick up stations. The robotic palletising system was installed by us a number of years ago and since have improved our client’s productivity and throughput.

Click below to see how the bag flattener and robotic palletising system operates!

As shown in the video, the bags are sitting with equal weight distribution which helps them stack nicely. The conveyors also work synchronously with the robotic system, providing smooth transitions from bag flattening, delivery to robot pick up station and then palletising them.

If you have a need for a conveying system or a robotic palletising system, or if you have any enquiry regarding automating your production, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more information and updates regarding our robotic systems!

Retrofit of Bag Flattener Conveyor for a Robotic Palletising System


R&E Engineering retrofitted and commissioned an inclined paper bag flattener and a 90° turn conveying systems into an existing production line for a robotic palletising system for an existing client in the agriculture and food industry.

Because the products are bagged and not uniform, the client has trouble of stacking them on the pallet due to uneven weight distribution. Therefore, the need for the bag flattener arose. The bag flattener quickly and smoothly presses the bags into a uniform shape, which helps them stack during palletising in a tighter and more stable manner.

bag flattener, conveyor, system, conveying, robot, automatic, palletising, system

The bag flattener consists of two belt conveyors. One at the bottom and one at the top. The product comes in the infeed side and gets flattened as it travels along in between the two belts. Both top and bottom conveyors are driven by motors to provide a smooth flattening and movement process of the products.

The bag flattener can also accommodate different size bags as it automatically adjusts the height of the top conveyor if the product is too big. The product will simply pushes the top conveyor higher and because the top conveyor is driven as well, the product will not be damaged as it will just smoothly move along the conveyors due to the two motor driven pressing conveyors.

The palletising robot picks up from two stations which is located next to each other. This is the reason the 90° turn conveyor was needed, to bring the bagged products into the designated pick up stations. The robotic palletising system was installed by us a number of years ago and since have improved our client’s productivity and throughput.

Click below to see how the bag flattener and robotic palletising system operates!

As shown in the video, the bags are sitting with equal weight distribution which helps them stack nicely. The conveyors also work synchronously with the robotic system, providing smooth transitions from bag flattening, delivery to robot pick up station and then palletising them.

If you have a need for a conveying system or a robotic palletising system, or if you have any enquiry regarding automating your production, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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